Mar 31, 2009
Democracy Now host Amy Goodman is my guest on this edition of Tell Somebody. Just ahead of an appearance in Kansas City in a benefit for 90.1 FM KKFI, Goodman talks about her book Standing Up To The Madness, Ordinary Heroes in Extraordinary Times, co-authored with her brother, David Goodman.
After that, Part VI of...
Mar 24, 2009
A recent column by Democracy Now host Amy Goodman cites a study by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting that found that in the week before Obama’s health-care summit, of the hundreds of stories that appeared in major newspapers and on the networks, “only five included the views of advocates of single-payer—none of...
Mar 22, 2009
A musical break by my alter ego and friends, Albert and the Labortones.
This started rattling around in my head several years ago and refused to not come out.
I Want My Democracy. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 18, 2009
Vandana Shiva on her book Soil Not Oil, and Part IV of Eyewitness to the Russian Revolution.
Vandana Shiva is a world-renowned environmental leader and thinker. Her latest book is Soil Not Oil, Engironmental Justice In An Age Of Climate Crisis. On this edition of Tell Somebody, I talk to Vandana Shiva about the...
Mar 11, 2009
This week on Tell Somebody, Ira Harrit, Program Director of American Friends Service Committee - Kansas City and co-chair of the KC Iraq Task Force talks about a rally on the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, followed by "Breaking Bread" a dinner benefit with Iraqi refugees and Iraq War veterans on the weekend before...